If by lazy, you mean busy

HI. THIS IS GOING TO BE THE FASTEST, SHORTEST, RANTY-EST POST.  So I’ve been news editor for The Daily Cougar, hold your applause, for a few months now. And it is absolutely killing my spirit (and spirits.. I get why journalists drink). Work is so constant! I basically never stop. No, seriously, ever. What do […]

Being 21….

… is not that different. Why society, why did you set me up for such a disappointing birthday. No I mean I had a WONDERFUL birthday. I love my friends; I had oodles of fun. But seriously, why was I under the impression that at 12:00 a.m. I’d be instantly draped with adulthood? Why did […]

I’ll take a tall cup of you, extra sugar, sugar.

Ever been in a Starbucks and been like “Wow, I’ll take that barista with extra whip.” Lord knows I have. And because I’m such a pro at getting guys (HA), here are some tips to get that coffee cutie.* Go in lookin’ SCHMEXY Don’t mess with this drive through nonsense. What are you a 30-year-old […]

Magazine Queens

Do you ever find yourself in drug store looking for a quality shiny papered good time but don’t know which glossy goddess to choose? Well have no fear; I’m here to help! My qualifications: journalism major, ultimate bad ass, currently unemployed so what else have I got to do?, user of products (i.e. make-up, perfume), […]